Friday, 25 February 2011

Eyes... Like A Sunrise...

Heyy Guys and Gals, 

Sorry it's been awhile but I've been busy taking photos :)                                                
Ok sooo... I've found the wonderful world of edits... Now i know you're thinking edits are for photos that need perfecting... But i don't use it like that, i just simply use it to make a focus point on my photo, change colour or add words or lyrics from songs that i think go well with the photo... So I've decidede to post some of these 'edits' up and see what you think!! please let me know... :)  thanks 

Well, i hope you like them :)   

See ya soon!!!

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Sooo, seeing as it's been snowing, and everyone is in a bad, cold mood, I thought I would cheer you all up with some snowy pics... These were admittedly taken last year but, seeing as it has returned... i will be taking some more.... :D
Sooo enjoy and i will be updating you veryy soon :D xx

See Ya Soon :) xx